How do I interpret the results of an opiates screening test?

These recommendations are general, however all lab tests are different.
Contact your local Clinical Pathology/Toxicology Laboratory directly if you have questions regarding interpretation of your patient’s UDT. What is an opiates screening panel?

Note: We’ve made changes to make this calculator more accurate and understandable. If questions should arise, you should contact to your local pharmacologist or toxicology lab. This tool is provided as an aide and should not be used solely as a tool for interpretation.

Step 1: Enter results of your opiate test as reported by your lab

Opiates Test result:
Oxycodone Test result:

Step 2: Select opiates prescribed or illicit drugs used

Step 3: Click Interpret


Step 4: Review Recommendations

Please note that to use this tool properly you need to keep in mind the folowing:

1. Don’t forget, patients who are taking multiple substances can give confusing results due to cross-reactivity.

2. Recall that Semisynthetic Opioids (Hydromorphone, Oxymorphone, Hydrocodone, and Oxycodone) can give confusing results due to distant or low dosing (decreasing likelihood of a positive test), and/or due to metabolism to other detectible Semisynthetics (increasing the likelihood of a positive test).